Tag Archives: Jesus

Need for God in this hour

I remember, one day, I was reading one of the sermons of Bro. Pike Sr, he said, “if humanity ever needed God this is the time that we all need God most than ever before”. When I read it, I could not comprehend it. Now, after seeing the people who are daily overburdened, caged in their prison of thoughts, their own minds are keeping them captive and tormenting day and nights by playing the horrific incidents from their past that they thought have been dealt with. However, it is still used by the enemy/old serpent/carnal mind to rob the humanity.

The world does not need any warriors and soliders, perhaps, it needs peace makers, those who can tell that everything is going to be okay. It is okay to face the brutal past and take away its power by accepting. Jesus said, Know the Truth and The Truth will set you Free. Are you free? if not, then ask yourself, have you know to The Truth? as you claime you are, then, you should not be feeling captive, if so, it means, you have missed something. The Truth is The Whole Truth not just a part but The Whole.

Accept that you are weak.

Accept that you are forgiven.

Accept that you are more than just a pound of flesh( carnal being).

Accept that you are redeemed.

Accept that from this very moment, your life is going to be changed as The Most High has blessed you with His Spirit/Another Helper who can help you to overcome everything.

Be Blessed.

Photo from Youversion Bible app.

Reasons Behind Suffering


The flesh got conscious when  “quickening spirit” or a particle of conscious poured into it, without this quickening, flesh is just a bundle of skin, which is nothing except dirt. But it has known its vulnerability, therefore it never let the heart rule over the body, it wants only brain/carnal mind/ childish mind/worldly mindset control over the whole body.

In the beginning, it was not so, therefore old civilizations were so advanced in spirituality because their body ruled by the spirit or a particle of great conscious which directly link with Creator but as time passed by, the flesh started realizing its limitations so it started passing its conscious through body as spirit does, it started imitating functioning style, it has succeeded in doing so but it can not replace the very electricity or charge or Breath of Life that has been keeping it alive, although it has tried its best to create something with similar functionality, therefore, we have a story of Frankenstein a person with no Soul who was created from the dead pieces of buried people.

Nowadays, Carnality (worldly or non-spiritual) has spread as much that people don’t even believe they have a spirit inside their cocoon which is keeping them alive, moreover, they also deny that they are Spiritual beings instead they have accepted that they are Fleshy beings and belong here. Now you can imagine, how vast the lie has spread and changed the perception of people. But there are still some awaken people who can look beyond this lie, the veil of flesh and are realising the TRUTH and offering help to others so that those who are living in darkness can see the light and come out of hell and start living in Heaven.

When people start realising their real identity, they often begin it by imitating others or copy others ways but never try to look for their own paths. When they are asked, why do they do it? the majority of folks reply, others are doing so they follow them or they all reply, in the same way, how would they suppose to know their way? I must tell you, that’s the beauty of Spirituality, it has no way, there is no way, the courses are for flesh/carnal but for Spirituality there is no way, if there would be, flesh would have found it and started imitating it, this is the only thing which has been keeping the flesh away from being Spirit because it does not understand, how does it happen?, it’s beyond the qualification of flesh or we may say, beyond its limits or power of comprehension.

If you are seeking comfort and joy, just free from each kind of weight such as hate, envy, pride, knowledge etc, these all things are of flesh, these are understood by Sense although Spirit has no sense yet it understands everything, your tiny mind might raise the question, how does it possible, It just does, you have to believe it.

The first step toward spirituality is to deny that you know something when you go on the pathless path, you must deny you don’t know anything, just listen don’t say anything. If you say, means you think, you figure it out or trying to do so but if you have known something then you must be calm instead that knowledge robbed you and left you to suffer. So, now you must accept, you don’t know anything, knowing nothing helps a person to have strong faith than those who think they know.  

When an individual starts accepting things rather than questioning, he starts realising, the simplicity of Spirituality, and imposed complex ways of the flesh. For example, in flesh ways, there is no solid reason given to forgive your enemy and pray for him, it just seems nonsense to people, but in a spiritual way, there is an answer which is to forgive others or pray for others is doing for yourself. As in the beginning of this post I wrote, A particle of Great conscious means there are other particles, we are scattered into pieces in this world when we join together we become strong and achieve the unlimited.

War always begins with the desires of the flesh, Spirit never ignites a war, it always starts with greed or envy, which are the characteristics of flesh not of Spirit. So, for those who are seeking ways to be free, you must accept, you don’t know anything, deny yourself and follow Christ  ( a great Spirit/A new Mindset/Holy Ghost).

Ph’p:2:5: Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus

True Identity of Struggle in Modern Life

Battle won for blog

Nowadays, it’s not uncommon to find someone struggling in their lives because materialism has stolen the feeling of happiness from the heart of human being and replaced it with the perishable things. Undoubtedly, it seems right or normal when we look at these battles of the different individuals but somewhere we seek the answer:

Why is someone so much crazy about something?

Why cannot they accept the reality that they must move on instead of ruining everything for just a thing, that is not happening now?

Stubborn nature of flesh never let carnal mind( human mind/normal mind/thinking) to hand over the matter to SPIRIT MIND( Reality Mind/God mind/Holy Ghost). Those who are going through hard times or are not happy because they can not achieve what really they want and seeking the reason behind not happening the things as they desire, must accept the reality and move on. I know, it’s the hardest thing to do but sometimes, it’s better to live life than living in mourning of one or more unsuccessful attempts. Those who have been living in sorrow just because of nothing working out must not ignore reality, for such people Jesus rightly said,

Lu:12:25: And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit?

Lu:12:26: If ye then be not able to do that thing which is least, why take ye thought for the rest?

First of all you must understand YOU (man with flesh mind) can not control anything, but if you have right mind SPIRIT MIND you can create the things, yes you read it rightly, CREATE THE THINGS, its reality, those who choose to be happy brings more happiness in their lives, those whose prayers are answered they do it with SPIRIT MIND.

One way to understand SPIRIT MIND is this.

M’r:11:24: Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

If you want something, Pray and believe you got it and you shall have it. During this process, your carnal mind/normal reasoning mind would say to you, oh its lie, how can it happened?, you are educated being, you must be rational? You should not follow what is written in other religious book or if this is so easy why can not everyone do it? I must say, don’t listen to these thoughts just focus on what you prayed and you will have it.

Words about Struggling why does it happen?

For mediocre, Life is a struggle and it must be taken as a struggle but truth is, it is not a struggle it’s a way to experience the ecstasy and gain the feeling of being with most high ( GOD) and live without fear and hate. Many would argue it’s not so, it can not be, my religion, pastor, guru, parents, society have been teaching life is struggle, end of discussion, such types of thoughts are the ones which caused a beginning of struggle in your life because you have been fighting an unknown ( thoughts or creeds) thoughts of someone or ideas about life of someone and try to cope with it but it is different for everyone as they are born with uniqueness, no two people face are same neither their finger print, how can their struggle be the same but society impose this idea that it is.

Struggle/Battle/War happens because of the clashing of TRUTH and LIE, REALITY and IMAGINATION, ANGELS AND DEMONS, GOD AND DEVIL, I could go on by writing many more names that are given to this wrestling. But in actual, it’s clashing of thoughts.

Two minds are clashing for taking over the Body for coming into this visible/seen world.

Carnal Mind:

Basic mind, which takes care of all necessary things for surviving like eating, breathing etc basically its key role is to make the flesh survive as long as it can, it stops the body from doing anything which leads to death or end of the body. ( John 6:63) Flesh only does the things which profit it like eating different variety food, wearing new clothes so that It could look good etc. It always neglects the things which are of Spirit, it has become so powerful now that it has taken-over the spirit signals of Heart and have taught the society to follow Mind rather Heart.  The main characteristics of this mindset are pretence /show off, hate, jealousy, envy, anger etc. When do you feel any of it then understand you are under the supervision of CARNAL MIND.

Spirit Mind:

This mind or pattern of thoughts is of positivity, it helps you to be happy and forgive people even it leads you to accept the reality and go on because if something really meant for you eventually it would find its way to you. Its characteristics are Love, Happiness, Patience, Honesty etc. 

To put this struggle in simple words, We all know that we have Spirit which is caged in this flesh, so flesh want to keep spirit in the cage forever but spirit seeks to free so they struggle and convince the being to do its will like loving those who hate is the quality of SPIRIT but hating someone is the quality of Flesh. So the real struggle is not about the material or anything else, it’s about taking over your body control by convincing you to follow the commandments now it totally depends upon you who to follow SPIRIT MIND or FLESH MIND.

THE IMITATION: A dark side of flesh

Copying new one

In this modern era, everybody wants to be like someone else, they are chasing the thoughts of others. One day, I read the blog of my Godmother (Melody Allen), she explained beautifully, how this way of deception works and people don’t even realize how this deception has preyed them.

Look for a second, someone saw an advertisement of clothes on television and went to market to buy it, the ultimate purpose has fulfilled, there is nothing wrong to buy latest clothes, but it was the idea of someone else that you observed, now you are living the life of someone else, but you don’t even realize what you really wanted so you chose to follow the ambitions of someone else. You don’t even know what you really want so you just start pretending that you are also part of this mimicking world which is producing the dull people day by day. The sleep walkers, the dead bodies who don’t know, where they are heading, whether it is good or bad, they just want to continue this filthy life style.

There was an incident that occurred during the walk of Great Mind in Flesh

One day, one person started following Jesus and before leaving everything, he asked, Lord, let me first bury my father, ( it was very sad moment for him because his father died and he wanted to attend the service; but instead of following his own intuition, he preferred to ask his master).Then, Jesus answered Let the dead bury their dead. He was calling those people dead people, and I am sure He knew what He was saying, because those people just continued living what they were offered by the passed generation, they did not even think, what they were doing was good or bad/right or wrong, they just continued to do that.

This imitation ( to copy others ) started in The Garden of Aden , when first couple thought to be like God, Adam and Eve who were told not to eat a fruit. Then a new personality came, and lured them with a lie by saying, “they would not die but will be like God” they were stuck in deception. Eve only did argument until the other personality mentioned about being like God or how to imitate God. Then she did in the chase of being like Creator and brought forth a curse on herself and this humanity, then Abel and Cain came, Able who offered a sacrifice to Lord and found that sacrifice pleased to God, it was a ram but Cain, who wanted his offering to be good so he killed Abel as a sacrifice (therefore blood spoke, the sacrificial blood) and  thought God would be pleased (the first human sacrificed), but it did not work, he got a curse on himself.

What happened?

Let us look for a moment on the event that happened in Israel during the walk of Great Mind in Human flesh. Something happened at that time and He made that correct.

And when Jesus departed thence, two blind men followed him, crying, and saying, Thou Son of David, have mercy on us. And when he was come into the house, the blind men came to him: and Jesus saith unto them, Believe ye that I am able to do this? They said unto him, Yea, Lord. Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you. And their eyes were opened; and Jesus straitly charged them, saying, See that no man know it. (Mathew 9:27-30)

And, behold, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they heard that Jesus was passing by, cried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou Son of David. And the multitude rebuked them, but they cried the more, saying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou Son of David.

And Jesus stood still, and called them, and said, What will ye that I shall do unto you? They say unto him, Lord, that our eyes may be opened. So Jesus had compassion on them, and touched their eyes: and immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed him. (Mathew 20:30-33)

Jesus was healing everyone, who called them Son of David, but when a CANAAN WOMAN  came He did not answer her. 

And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil. But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us. But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me. But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children’s bread, and to cast it to dogs. And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table. Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour. (Mathew 15:22-28)

Why did Jesus not listen to her at first?

But later, He heard her and made her daughter well.

Why was He ignoring her at first?

There was one thing famous in that time, whoever called Jesus the son of David, He made them well because He came as a son of David for Israelite. He did whatever they asked Him in the name of His father ( the son of David) but for Gentiles, He did not come as the son of David, but as “The Groom”, He is building His Body. He did not respond until she called her Lord. She was copying what others were calling Him in Israel, then she left the learnt (copied) way and said, Lord Help me, then He explained why was He not answering her, then He gave the example (through the instance of beast ; dog) and then He made her Child well.

When someone tries to imitate other, he/she is losing their own calling. Someone is good at management but if he starts doing preaching then, he is imitation and losing his own calling and from his preaching none will get blessings. Whether your way seems good but if you are doing it in imitating way, then be sure it is something which is robbing you. You may say, oh I am doing it for God, do you really think, God needs your help. He has His own way in good as well as in Evil, do what your spirit allows you to do. Don’t try to copy others.

There are levels, the levels of authorities, when one tries to break anyone of them and wants to access the top level at once, then he/she is bringing something which he/she does not capable of bearing. Like the king who went to temple for worship on his own but got leprosy because it was work of Priest to do that, because He tried to access the top level and tried to imitate the service of other and got curse on himself. Likewise, people are doing today, they imitate each other, in every way, just to be looked better than others. Don’t do that.

Ask yourself do you really want it, if so then why you want it?

If you have the answer of this question then prepare to have blessing or curse, because if it is imitation then you would have curse, but If it is spirit of God then you would receive blessings.

There was a man Joses, who by the apostles was surnamed Barnabas, who sold everything and offered to apostles, he found it good to do that and everybody praised. There was couple, who wanted to be praised, they imitated this way and sold everything but some part of money kept to themselves and other offered to apostles by saying full. Then they faced the wrath and died. ( Acts 4-5)

So there are serious results that were/are faced by people who imitated/imitates.

There is difference between following someone or imitating, when an individual follows someone it means that He is continuously observing him/her and adopting his/her lifestyle but when someone imitate, they just give a look and start trying to do that. Paul the apostle a great man of God, specifically mentioned about it, He said,

1Co:11:1: Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.

He was advising people to follow him, as He was following Christ, because when people are told to follow God or Spirit of God, mostly they say, we don’t know how to follow the spirit of God or how to listen His voice? Paul knew it, He first shew people how to do that and then said everyone to follow Christ ( Spirit of God) as I am also following Christ. He did not mention to copy or imitate because he knew very well when someone copy they just study the lifestyle and start doing that, but when it comes on following, it takes time to develop the feature of  the same. As people of today, they get fed up by visiting Sunday church but there are others who don’t get fed up because they don’t to visit the Sunday church just for showing off, they come with the will to please the Creator. They come for peace, they come for worshipping Him, they come to show their love to Him. Therefore, they don’t get fed up but those who come to impress others, who come to Church because they don’t have anything to do. They get bored in the Church because they imitate and The sword pierce them there.

When God placed Adam and Eve in the Garden, He did not let them know everything at once but He was revealing the things day by day therefore He came to visit them. But instead of following the real way to be like Him, Eve chose to listen the other personality and got the title of imitator.

If you are facing the problem of following the spirit of God and does not know how to do it, then ask you will be given as He said, when the another helper will come then lead you in all truth and will tell you the things to come. He said, the another helper. Helper is needed when the task can not be done by a single person. When God look on the sincere people and finds this or that one needs help then He grants Helper for that person and after they start enjoying His love. 

When He comes then He let you know your calling Paul said, be in your call, so first ask Him to come and reveal unto you what is your calling then stay in it because He gave you it for a reason, just wait and let Him use it for His kingdom.

Follow what spirit says to you, go with the Spirit of Lord, as it reveals new things every day, don’t allow anyone to take away your own self from your, because God created you with uniqueness, that uniqueness will be used in better way for the welfare of people and building His kingdom on Earth.

Have your own life,

Be blessed

TRUTH: Fruits & Works

Truth Fruits

You may wonder about this strange title, because it is the first title that is used here in this strange way, but as you will read the below written explanation you will agree with it.

The modern people talk about “TRUTH”, they claim and say like they have known to it but when we put their teaching/doctrine in the brightness of “The Word of God” it just vanishes like a water vapor, none knows where it gone. The Truth knower should be like this as it is written:

Joh:8:32: And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Know the Truth and it will set you free. It means if someone is not enjoying freedom but feeling in bondage this means, he/she is in great danger, because whatever he/she is keeping as “Truth” that is plainly a lie, Truth must set him/her free.

What about those who are free and have known to Truth and enjoying Peace.

(To be spiritually minded is Life and Peace Rom 8:6)

Those who are spiritually minded,

They don’t struggle to understand,

They don’t fight with devil,

(because he has fled from them when they stood before him).

There are two kinds of individuals in this world now, one are spiritual and other are fleshy (carnal), the reason of their existence is to represent “The Invisible”. As Paul said,

“From the foundation of the world, all the invisible things are clearly seen through the creation (Rom 1:20).”

The identification of these individuals can be done on the basis of two things


Because spirit bears the fruits but flesh does the works.

There is difference between fruits and works.

Fruits are automatically born but works are done with full knowledge even though the doer know whether to do it or not.

When one gets the spirit mind/spiritual understanding (Holy Spirit/Ghost),

they don’t wrestle to forgive people or to love people,

it just happens by default. (I experience it).

Did you ever thought?

where did Jesus get the strength to pray for the people who persecuted Him? 

Even on the Cross, He prayed for the forgiveness of those people?

Where did He get such strength to do that?

The mystery is very simple, He had the spirit of Love.

If one has the spirit of Love, then he/she cannot hate anybody because it does not live with Love, but if someone is claiming to be the house of “Almighty” but still possesses hate then he/she should better judge himself/herself of what kind of spirit do he/she have?

Light cannot live with darkness.

The fruits are born automatically none can do it, it is the work of Spirit, it is like light when it comes then it does not try to spread brightness, but it just shines automatically.

On the contrary, there are the works of flesh, human mind chooses to do it with full consciousness, as Adam and Eve did even though they knew very well what was told them to do and not to do but still they did that by listening to their own reasoning faculty (beguiled by serpent), that same reasoning faculty passed through the genes of Adam, now still residing in this flesh, when Paul discovered it he explained this mystery in this way,

2Co:11:3: But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

He knew what He heard in “Third Heaven/Third Dimension” when He discovered it then He spoke this mystery in parable (1 Co:2:7), now the deceiver is not  in outer world, it is living in your flesh, it is living inside of you as your own mind, whatever you are thinking that all information is supplied to you by this reason faulty /this carnal mind.

When one is deceived by this reasoning faculty, then that individual starts doing the forbidden works, they get the demons (wicked thought) inside of them, who use their body to travel here and there and oppose the light (understanding).

This contaminated mind is robbing you day and night, blaming you before the Lord day and night.

In this way, this normal world turns into the battle ground of the fallen angels and guardian angels, one side of those who are spiritual and darkness angels are other side, (Ruler of darkness and Residents of Light).

(The children of light fight with the children of darkness)

There is only one way to recognize them is to look on “The Fruits” what they bear, if one bears “The Spiritual Fruits” ( Love, Joy, Peace etc), it means it is something which cannot be imitated. There are works that are done by flesh people (Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance and so on) on the other side.

Spirit and flesh are united for a season, as writer said, “There is a season for everything, one for fighting, and one for reconciliation.”

It is time to accept the reconciliation offer of Lord and let Him take away this flesh mind, live in this dead body (because none can live after seeing Him), therefore it is written, you will receive the Holy Ghost, a ghost lives in dead body, but this is Holy Ghost .

When Paul saw Him, he died. He started saying, I am crucified with Christ, now no longer I live but Christ lives in me.

“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus”

Now put yourself into this test:

What type of fruits do you bear?

What type of works do you do?

For though he was crucified through weakness, yet he liveth by the power of God. For we also are weak in him, but we shall live with him by the power of God toward you. Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? But I trust that ye shall know that we are not reprobates. ( 2Co:13:4-6)